: After-School Care

We use the already established relationship with the children entrusted to us to continue supporting them as key figures during the school entry phase.


In our Hands for Kids daycare center we look after up to 31 children per day. Children from kindergarten up to and including the 2nd grade are accepted here.

Opening Hours

We offer supplementary after-school care 5 days a week from 12:00 pm to 18:30 pm, 51 weeks a year. The children attend regularly, as per the contract, for at least two days a week.


Holiday care, pick-up and driving services can be booked additionally. 

Our Core Mission

Creating an engaging, appreciative, and simultaneously protective learning environment is our top priority.

We strive to create an offering that aligns with the rhythm of the entire family and see ourselves as a competent partner and supporter for the family. In a working world that increasingly demands flexibility and spontaneity, we relieve the parents and help make it easier for them to balance work and family life.

At the "Hands for Kids" daycare, children from various social and cultural backgrounds, languages, and religions are given the opportunity to develop their personality in an age-appropriate and child-friendly environment.

In their different developmental stages, the children are supported by a qualified team. Current topics are addressed and adapted to the children's needs. Mutual respect and trust are fundamental in the interaction between children and caregivers.
Through their interactions with both children and adults, the children perceive themselves as independent and valued individuals.

Through a stimulating and reliable learning environment, the children feel comfortable and have space to develop. It is the daycare's role to accompany and support the children in their individual educational and developmental processes.

A sense of community is developed through activities such as outings, physical activities, free play, and projects. School-age children are supported with their homework and encouraged towards independent learning.

The development of self-confidence and social skills takes place through communal activities. The sense of community is further nurtured through activities such as outings, physical activities, free play, and projects.

For our young explorers, we are creating:
• An experimental & craft room
• A music corner
• A Maria Montessori corner
• A room with various dexterity games
• A playroom for role-playing
• Play and reading tables

Inquiry Form

Are you looking for a childcare place for your child? We are happy to receive your inquiry and will get back to you shortly.
(Fields marked with * are mandatory.)

    Personal Information

    Last Name*

    First Name*


    Postcode / City*







    1st Child

    Name and First Name*

    Date of Birth*



    Pick-Up Transportation Required
    (39 weeks) 11:50 am
    Subject to charge and prior agreement
    If yes, when?


    Care Options

    Morning Table
    (39 weeks) 07:00 - 08:15 am


    by arrangement (39 weeks) 12:00 - 02:00 pm

    Afternoon care incl. Lunch
    (52 weeks) 12:00 am - 06:30 pm


    2nd Child

    Name and First Name*

    Date of Birth




    Pick-Up Transportation Required
    (39 weeks) 11:50 am
    Subject to charge and prior agreement
    If yes, when?


    Care Options

    Morning Table
    (39 weeks) 07:00 - 08:15 am


    by arrangement (39 weeks) 12:00 - 02:00 pm


    Afternoon care incl. Lunch
    (52 weeks) 12:00 am. - 06:30 pm


    *Even during holidays or absences, the full fee is due.
    *Lunch can only be booked in combination with afternoon care! By booking afternoon care, you also have the right to book individual lunches for other days.
    *Pick-up and transportation services are subject to charges and must be arranged in advance.
    *The flat rates for morning table, lunch table, and pick-up and transportation services take holidays into account and are calculated based on 39 weeks, distributed over 12 months.
    *Die Pauschale für die Nachmittagsbetreuung inkl. Lunches are calculated at 52 weeks and spread over 12 months.


    Start Date*

    Please specify from when your child should start with us.


    Payment Options

    Please tick the desired option:
    monthly by standing ordersemi-annually 1.5% discountannually 3% discount



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